Vietnam patent attorney

Nội dung bài viết

If you would like to find patent attorney to register your patent in Vietnam, SB Law, is a Patent Law Firm, can assist you to handle this work:

For your clarification, we would like to provide you some information about the legal proceeding to protect patent in Vietnam as follows:

1.The schedule of charge for filing a patent application in Vietnam

Our fee for filing a patent application in Vietnam is dependent on the number of independent claims, length of specification and translation fee, namely as hereafter:

Fee for translation of specification (From English into Vietnamese)

Fee forfiling application for patent (with specification not exceed 5 pages in)

-  Additional fee for each pages from the sixth one;

- Addition fee for each independent claim from the second one;

Fee forclaiming priority right (each earlier applications)

Fee forrequest for substantive examination

- Additional charge for each additional independent claim from the second one

Fee for publication of patent application

- Additional charge for each figure from the second one

Fee for granting patents for invention (including Register and Publication)

- Additional charge for each independent claim from the second one

- Additional charge for figure from the second one.

2. Timeframe for examination of a patent application.

A patent application will be examined through the following process:

- Formality examination: The application will be formality examined within 1-2 months counted from the filing date in Vietnam;

- Publication: The patent application will be published on Industrial Property Gazette within 2 months counted from the date of formality acceptance.

-Substantive Examination: The patent application will be examined the patentable within 18 months counted from the publication date.

3. The required documents

In order to file a patent application in Vietnam, you are required to provide with us the following document:

- The Power of Attorney (signed only, neither notarization nor legalization is required);

- The specification in English;


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